If you are a parishioner of St. Philip Neri, please consider
a role as a minister at Mass. Ministries include:

  • Altar Servers, who aid the priest and deacons during Mass.

  • Catechists, who teach faith formation each Sunday during fall, winter, and spring.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, who aid in the distribution of Holy Communion.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Home bound, who distribute Holy Communion to home bound members of our parish family.

  • Greeters, who welcome those entering the parish for Mass.

  • Lectors, who give the first and second readings of Scripture at Mass.

  • Rosary Leaders, who lead in the recitation of the Rosary before Mass and at Maple Valley Nursing Home.

  • Sacristans, who set up and put away necessary items for the Mass.

  • Ushers, who aid in the collection of donations during Mass, help parishioners and guests find seats in the d distribute bulletins after Mass.

  • Visitors to the Home bound, who offer company and comfort to parishioners unable to attend Mass.

  • Liturgical Environment Ministry, which manages setup and decorations of the church each Liturgical Season.

  • Hospitality Ministry, which manages luncheons, dinners, coffee hours, and other social events at the parish.

  • Communications Ministry, which designs and maintains the St. Philip Neri website and other communications needs of the parish.

  • Building & Grounds Ministry, which maintains and monitors changes to church property.

  • Garden Ministry, which beautifies the church exterior with trees and flowers.

  • Music Ministry, made up of vocalists and instrumentalists, which enhances Masses with music.

  • Faith in Action Ministry, which works to educate the parish and community regarding justice issues worldwide.

  • Prayer Chain, which accepts confidential prayer requests from the parish family and community at large. 

    Contributions to St. Philip Neri parish are always welcome. Your contributions enable us to continue the good works our parish and our patron saint are known for. To donate to the church, you may mail your check (made out to St. Philip Neri Catholic Church) to:

    St. Philip Neri Catholic Church
    P.O. Box 257
    Empire, MI 49630

    As St. Philip Neri is a non-profit organization, all contributions are tax deductible. Contributions will appear on your donation summary at the end of each fiscal year.