Register as a Parishioner
We are delighted you have chosen St. Philip Neri as your spiritual home.
Why Register?
Often people attend Mass at a parish for months or sometimes years, but never officially register. Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it is time for receiving sacraments, registering for faith formation (religious education), sponsoring a sacrament recipient and even planning funerals.
Registering in a church is more than signing up, it is the acknowledgement of the mutual relationship that exists between us because we are brothers and sisters who share the same faith and hope.
Our parish has a reputation for Warmth and Friendliness, if you have any special needs please let us know how we can serve you.
Registering is easy!
Feel free to call the parish office directly at 231-326-5255 to register or email us at We can email or send you the registration form. Thank you and WELCOME!
If you are interested in any of the ministries listed below please fill select which one(s) and submit.
Altar Servers, who aid the priest and deacons during Mass.
Catechists, who teach faith formation each Sunday during fall, winter, and spring.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, who aid in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Home bound, who distribute Holy Communion to home bound members of our parish family.
Greeters, who welcome those entering the parish for Mass.
Lectors, who give the first and second readings of Scripture at Mass.
Rosary Leaders, who lead in the recitation of the Rosary before Mass and at Maple Valley Nursing Home.
Sacristans, who set up and put away necessary items for the Mass.
Ushers, who aid in the collection of donations during Mass, help parishioners and guests find seats in the d distribute bulletins after Mass.
Visitors to the Home bound, who offer company and comfort to parishioners unable to attend Mass.
Liturgical Ministry, which manages setup for Mass and decorations of the church.
Hospitality Ministry, which manages luncheons, dinners, coffee hours, and other social events at the parish.
Communications Ministry, which designs and maintains the St. Philip Neri website and other communications needs of the parish.
Building & Grounds Ministry, which maintains and monitors changes to church property.
Garden Ministry, which beautifies the church exterior with trees and flowers.
Music Ministry, made up of vocalists and instrumentalists, which enhances Masses with music.
Faith in Action Ministry, which works to educate the parish and community regarding justice issues worldwide.
Prayer Chain, which accepts confidential prayer requests from the parish family and community at large.